Friends of the Pines


To enhance the natural environment of the Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve by:
-Enhancing areas of high quality vegetation through continued weed works
-To promote and enhance areas of highly degraded areas with revegetation
-To link areas of fragmented vegetation thru revegetation for fauna spp dispersal
-To foster a greater understanding of natural habitat in the Frankston North area
-To engage local residents in the preservation of the natural habitat within the Pines FFR


The groups goal is to:
-Woody weed removal of exotic species in Monterey 9 block, complementing previous volunteer efforts.
-Exotic species removal within Centenary Triangle.
-Emergent weed removal to maintain diversity in previous Woodland Block revegetation site.
-Maintenance of mulched sites in Ron’s Block by hand pulling of emergent weeds.
-Weed sweep of Link Track Block to remove any existing or emergent Sallow Wattle.

To become a volunteer, register with ParkConnect.

Group interests


Group leader

Name:Gillian Collins

Phone:+61 434 050 213


Upcoming activities